miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

New beggining

Hello.. wow so long since i didnt write here
over 2 years.. i feel very bad about it but as the title says its a new beggining
i will try to be a better blogger this time and indeed i might start a new one and officialy close this.
I'm not sure about the name yet but i hope i can update it better.
And no when i say close this i wont delete the page, its too sentimental for me

Thank  you to all the people who visited
i will update it again with my new blog url and stuff

A lot things have happened
I met the love of my life
I'm learning german
I'm living in 3 places haha not literally
I might move out from the country
i turned 21 soon 22
I'm still studying architecture
I started an online shop. please take a look (i will update merch soon) ->  https://www.facebook.com/akawaiidetail

thats everything for now i guess!
If you want you can add me on facebook or twitter :3