miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

Friends Day, Beach Day & Back to class

On 08/01/2013 i went to the Inter Park with my friends Diana, Yin, Veronica, Jess and my twin sister Nela. Jess came from Puerto Ordaz wich is very far away so we tried to spent the best day ever with her (^-^) and it was such an awesome day.

Yin and my sister Nela

Jess, Me, Yin, Vero & Diana

Vero and I

at the "Elevator"

they were so nervous hahaha

Jess when she went out the elevator hahaha

At chinese food restaurant. We ate Wanton Mein soup and Vegetables, everything was so yummy

Elevator hahaha

I went to the beach on sunday with my big sister, my mom, my nephew, my twin sister and some friends of my big sister. It was a great day. so so sunny (^o^)! we left at 9am and the beach we went to is a bit away so it took like half hour to get there.

And on monday classes started again. i have such tons of homework now (; __ ;') i'll do my best!

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Nyappy New Year☆Nyappy birthday Stephanie

First, Happy new year to you all(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) i hope your 2013 to be awesome! God bless you all. Thanks for visit and read my blog.

How did you spent the last day of the year?
I had the traditional dinner with my family, it was at almost 11pm so when we finished it was like 11:30pm we ate the 12 wishes grapes and waited for new year\(^o^)/ i tried to call all my friends but phone lines where a bit crashedΣ(゚д゚lll)anyway i was able to call some of them(*^^*)

Today is my best friend birthday! She's 19 years old now! So angie and i decided to so something for her. When i came back from the beach angie and i went to Glacé to get a nice and yummy bday cake for steph but it was closed(>___<) so we bought one at one of the bakery near my home. We went to steph house she was surprised! We sang happy birthday and stayed a bit then angie and i had to go to the malecon, saddly steph couldnt go

 Silly pic angie took



Being silly haha