As the blog title says, Changes.
they have been happening to my life lately... i gotta say i moved from UJAP college to PSM College. i've do that for several reasons and i hope it was the best decision!
i'm officially an Architecture student now☆ i feel proud and excited.
after being a laws student i noticed wasnt my career. i took the on i truly like

in fact after architecture i'd love to do some kinds of designs like clothes design and moreヾ(๑´∀`)ノ
and one of my best friends is studying architecture at PSM too. her name is angie she have helped me and yineska a lot with it. (Yineska moved to PSM too)
it's a pic of angie and me (๑´∀`๑) it might be from April i guess
my hair was long i miss it (;__;)
However i've got some new thingsヾ(o´ヮ`)ノ i'm very happy for that. I'd love to start to shop clothes and goods online! but first i gotta talk to my big sister w w
しかし、私はいくつかの新しいものを持ってヾ(o´ヮ`)ノ私はそのためにとてもうれしいです。私はオンラインの服やグッズを買い物し始めるのが大好きです!しかし、私が最初に私の姉と話をする必要がありw w
as you can see this is the dress i was using when i went to chinese mall with my friends (๑╹ω╹๑ )
あなたが見ることができるようにこれは私が私の友達と一緒に中国のショッピングモールに行ったときに私が使っていたドレスです (๑╹ω╹๑ )
As you might know, An Cafe will start a worldtour soon, Venezuela has been in the battle to add us to the list of south america places. All cafekkos here have been working very very hardヾ(๑^∇^๑)ノ we all hope for the best even tho we're worried and sad. An Cafe has never been in venezuela before(◞‸◟;) we hope this to be the first time. Here are some photos of An Cafe Venezuela Members around venezuela working
i made this o(≧∀≦)o
these pics were taken at the Avalacha event in Caracas there's a lot of pics of cafekkos there ヾ(◍'౪`◍)ノ゙
this pic was from Barcelona, venezuela Cafekkos o(≧∀≦)o
this one was at Pto Ordaz o(≧∀≦)o
this lovely nyappy was made by Rai
it's my sister and i o(≧∀≦)o she's a cafekko too
This event was great! o(≧∀≦)o there was a Jrock space and i was the ACV ST member there so i had to talk about An Cafe before the promo video for An Cafe Venezuela
it's me talking about An Cafe at the event. It was in Valencia btw
We hope all our work will get their result o(≧∀≦)o